Handstand Classes

Small Group Community
Maximum 6 People Per Class

Introduction to Arm Balance Workshops

Introduction to Low Arm Balances

Learn to become stronger & overcome fear as we safely progress through the beginning mysteries of some of the most popular arm balances…the crow family, flying lizard and eight limbed pose! Workshop includes a full body warm up & cool down stretch.

Recommended Pre-Reqs:
20 Second Plank & 10 Pushups from Knees

Sunday June 2, 2204
6:30pm to 8pm

Introduction to Headstands & Forearmstands

Using blocks, the wall and our own determination we are going to discover and learn the floating headstand, forearm stand and various leg shapes to allow our inversion practices a little style & creativity. Workshop includes a full body warm up & cool down stretch.

Recommended Pre-Reqs:
20 Second Plank on Forearems & 10 Pushups from Knees

Sunday July 14, 2024
3:30pm to 5pm

Register for Both & Save $10!
Two workshops for $70!

Both workshops will be held at Play Studio Saskatoon, 408 Ave C South, Saskatoon, SK


Building Foundations: Handstands I

Level 1 focuses on developing foundational physical & mental skills required to begin a safe & lifelong handstand practice. Each class includes full body conditioning and handstand floor drills, slowly build up to increased time on hands.

Skill development includes:
* Strength & Flexibility for wrists & shoulders
* Strengthening the front, back & side core body
* Wall Handstands, Cartwheels & Wall Kickups
* Mindset : Overcoming fear & embracing challenge

No pre-reqs needed, this is the very beginning!

Summer Term #1
June 22, 2024 to July 13, 2024
11:30am to 12:30pm
$100 for 4 week session

Summer Term #2
August 3, 2024 to August 24, 2024
11:30am to 12:30pm
$100 for 4 week session

Play Studio Saskatoon
408 Ave C South


Level 2 is all about learning to get your handstand away from the wall & extending your balance & endurance.

Skill development includes:
* Kick ups on and off the wall
* Underbalance & overbalance drills
* Alignement & Balance Drills
* Next level active flexibility & strength skills
* Mindset: Celebrating success & learning from failure

Pre-Req Skills:
Controlled Kick up & Exit at the Wall
30 second Wall Hold

Summer Term #1
May 26, 2024 to June 30, 2024
(No class June 16th)
5:15pm to 6:15pm
$125 for 5 week session

Summer Term #2
July 28, 2024 to August 25, 2024
5:15pm to 6:15pm
$125 for 5 week session

Play Studio Saskatoon
408 Ave C South

Finding Balance: Handstands II

Straddles, Tucks & Pikes add beauty, variation & control to your handbalancing practice. These shapes will also grow your strength & flexibility in new challenging ways.

Skill development includes:
* Tuck, straddle & pike hop entries
* Shapeshifting at wall & in free balance
* Negative press exits from tuck, straddle & pike
* Active flexibility for straddle, tuck & pike shapes
* Mindset: Tenacity & Determination

Pre-Req Skills:
Controlled Kick up & Exit of a free standing handstand,
1 Minute Wall Hold
10-15 Second Free Hold

Play Studio Saskatoon, 408 Ave C South

Exploring Shape: Handstands III

Unlocking the Press: Handstands IV

Learning to effortlessly lift your legs from the floor as you float them into a beautiful handstand is thought of by many as the elusive & pinnacle of handstand practice.

If you are ready to take all your skills from Level 1-3 and train your press scientifically & passionately this is the class for you!