3 Tips for Embracing Live Online Yoga Classes

Adapting to online yoga classes during this time of physical distancing may not be your top priority right now. This doesn't mean changing to online fitness is easy.

If you’re finding moving your yoga practice into your home is difficult, you are not alone.

Has anyone else had Bob Dylan’s song The Times They Are A-Changin in their head lately? Thanks to the early musical influences from my dad this song has been my personal soundtrack in recent weeks. Over the last few months all of us humans have experienced a rapid amount of change.  While our situations are different I believe we can build a foundation of understanding with each other by sharing what has changed for each of us.

For me these changes have included:

* moving my day job into my home,
* enjoying coffee with friends over Zoom while missing their homey kitchens,
* being even more uncomfortable with my young adult daughter being on her own in the world,
* missing my commuting podcast time, and
* moving my yoga and handstand practices into my tiny basement suite home.

I’ve also had to decide what to do about teaching my yoga and acro classes with no scheduled end date to physical distancing.  Do I learn new technology and move my classes online?  Do my students even want online classes?  My brain was full of a lot of change, problem solving options, and a little bit of fear of the unknown .

After a few weeks of adjustment time…aka. time to breathe…. a few amazing people encouraged me to follow my own favourite advice to try new things and move my classes online.  Twenty-two brave, adventurous humans decided to join me in moving their in-person practice to an online Zoom environment.  A few brave humans even decided to try yoga for the first time ever in this new online world!

The last few weeks have made my heart sing! To be back in the yoga and movement space with other people in real time has allowed many of us (me included!) to feel a little less alone. Change however can be a tricky beast.  If you have moved your practice online, or are thinking about it soon, here are three tips for embracing moving your yoga practice to the live online space.

1) Be creative with designing your own unique yoga space.

Have you ever been to an in-person class and thought, ‘I wish these lights were a little dimmer. This playlist isn’t suiting my right now.  I can’t wait until the next candlelight or essential oil practice, when is that going to be?’ This is your chance to make your yoga space everything you, and only you, desire!

Before class take a moment to set your stage.

* adjust your lighting,
* press play on your favourite playlist,
* pull out your most comfy yoga gear, and
* make a yoga space that matches your personality! 

Creating comfy space can be done even in small spaces.  I practice next to my fridge in my kitchen. I discovered with some lamp light, moving my space heater, and making sure I’ve swept up my dust bunnies (at least the ones I can see from my mat!) I have created comfy little spot just for my personal movement practice.  Yes, you may have loud roomies or kids outside your bedroom door, but inside that door your room is your retreat spot!

2) Enjoy the privacy to do what feels good for your body and mind.

Not wanting to share you haven’t changed out of your pj’s today?  Is your body craving a slower or more heated pracice today?  Ready to try that new pose with guidance but also in privacy?  

With live online classes, you get to connect in real time and benefit from privacy. You get to choose if you want your video screen off or on. There are benefits to both of these options.  Embrace the choice of determining your level of privacy or openness for each class. Then get ready to rock your practice in your own style all while connecting with others humans in the virtual world!

3)  Be aware the energy will feel different...and that is okay!

Live online classes are going to feel different at home compared to in-person class.  The energy of others doesn’t transmit the same way across the internet the same way it does in air.  We miss out on tactile sensations, the power from group breathing, and the change of scenery from leaving the house. On the other hand,  in a live online class you get to create your environment, choose your level of privacy and save time by not having to commute.  You know that time you wanted to have a nap after final rest in Savasana and not have to worry about driving home?  This is your chance!

Final notes…

Moving your yoga practice into your home with live online classes does bring change. Sometimes those changes may have you missing your old practice space. That is okay!  Take a moment to acknowledge these feelings.  It is important to recognize and honour how this time is affecting you.  Building awareness of your honest feelings is practicing yoga off your mat (and that is a topic for another day!)

As we move through this transition to online home practice I encourage you to dig into your feelings of excitement when trying something new.  Embrace the ups and downs of learning the new technology which allows us to be together in real time.   Discover your creative self while finding unique ways to turn your kitchen, bedroom or basement into your new yoga space. 

Every time you move, stretch and strengthen you are improving your healthspan and providing space for self growth.  I hope to see you on the mat soon as we breathe, move and grow together in a live, online class!


PS.  For more information on creating a wonderful home practice take a listen to this wonderful podcast on “5 Myths About Doing Yoga at Home” 

Sarah Hunter

Sarah loves coffee, cheesecake & connecting with curious humans. Her love of movement has lead her to teaching yoga, acro & handstands by night, while her passion for human connection has led her to a career in Higher Education by day.

Sarah created her business, Breathe Move Grow, to bring community to curious humans who want to develop their movement skills while improving their healthspans.

Sarah resides in Saskatoon, Saskatchewan Canada.  Reach out to her at breathe.move.grow@outlook.com and share with her your movement and healthspan goals!


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